Pipe Cleaners Flowers for Mother’s Day

Pipe Cleaners Flowers for Mother’s Day

Pipe Cleaners Flowers for Mother’s Day 854 430 Bambinis

There’s nothing better then giving Mommy flowers for Mother’s Day. Making those flowers yourself will be priceless. Your gift will be timeless since handmade flowers don’t dry out 🙂 So, lets get some supplies together and make beautiful pipe cleaners flowers for this upcoming Mother’s Day.

pipe cleaner flowers


Pipe cleaners


1. Pick 3 pipe cleaners in the same color. We chose purple. Band each pipe cleaner in half to define the middle.


2. Open them up again but take notice of the middle part. Now you will connect them all by twisting them together in the middle to make a six point star.


3. Next step is to start rolling each petal into a snail form, starting from the end and going towards the middle.



4. When all the petals are rolled, turn the flower face down and attach a stem by twisting it around the center of the flower. We picked a green pipe cleaner but you can choose any color to make unique flowers.


5. Pick a color for the center of the flower and cut a quarter of pipe cleaner. Swirl it around into a spring like form.


6. Attach the center to the flower twisting the end of it with the middle part of the flower.


You can make different color combinations to create a beautiful bouquet.


We put ours into a crystal vase. Boys are planning to give it to their grandma on Monday.


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